Santa Lucía, S.A. Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros, (hereinafter the Company) is the owner of the website and has registered offices at Plaza de España, 15, 28008-Madrid.

It is listed in the Companies Register of Madrid under the following entry: 679/257-3ª/2012 and its tax ID code is A28039790. Due to its activity, it is listed under administrative code C0174 in the Register of the Directorate-General for Insurance and Pension Funds.

Contact details: Santa Lucía, S.A. Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros Plaza de España, 15 28008-Madrid Telephone: 91.541.93.87 Fax: 91.541.01.33


Please be advised that any amendment to the details given above or the inclusion of other details will be updated in this General Information section, which is permanently available for consultation.

The contents of this website are the property of the Company and any reproduction, use, copying, modification, sale, distribution or transformation thereto or any activity that may be undertaken with them is expressly forbidden without the express authorisation of the company, except where otherwise indicated or where their use is for personal purposes and does not infringe the rights recognised to the Company by current law.

Where we are
