The end of the 3rd edition of Santalucía IMPULSA is coming to an end: A week for Demoday!

The third edition of the acceleration program began three months ago. Santalucía IMPULSA, in which five startups and two groups of entrepreneurs from Santalucía have participated. During these months, startups Nodalblock, Wayook, Arbor, Opseeker and Ever Health, together with the intra-entrepreneurial projects, Suite and VibiEnda+, have attended six training sessions and seven mentoring sessions.

We want to thank all the participants for the work they have done so far, as well as all the professionals who have provided the training and mentors that have accompanied the entrepreneurs. Therefore, we are going to do a little review of what has been the This year's program:
In the first session we had Juan Bataller, who gave an excellent presentation on the digitalization of the insurance sector, new business models and the impact of new technologies on the insurance world. The second workshop was with Pedro Bisbal, on how to be productive both as a team and individually and achieve the objectives set in the established time. The third training was carried out by Francisco Estevan and Manuel Martínez, who made clear the importance of knowing the deadlines and processes of large companies in order to make an effective sale.

The fourth session included interesting interventions by Tono Mestre and Gonzalo Osés, with whom participants were able to learn even more about how to monetize and make a project profitable through innovative business models. For its part, the fifth workshop dealt with growth, scalability and internationalization and focused on how to create economies of scale and make a project scalable; Lucía Latorre, Francisco Estevan, and Jorge Alvar, Director of Infrastructure, Environment, Energy and ICT at ICEX, were responsible for carrying out this training. The sixth and final session, again with Pedro Bisbal, was about how to make and execute high-impact presentations and communicate a project properly.

Both startups and entrepreneurs have been working hard these months to develop their projects to the maximum. The results of all the effort and work they have done will be seen on July 4th at the Demoday, which will take place in the Iris building, located on Calle Ribera del Loira 4 in Madrid. They're going to do great!