Santalucía IMPULSA participates in the 5th edition of Insurance Revolution

On Thursday, November 28, the 5th edition of Insurance Revolution, a meeting point for professionals in the insurance sector where to value the leadership of digital ecosystems and give an answer to the Challenges of the future insurance company.Organized by the consultant Kin Spain, different experts and leading entities from the insurance sector gathered at this event, including Santalucía Seguros.The key points of this day revolved around how to promote scanning, the Artificial Intelligence Or the Internet of Things (IoT) and how to use the disruptive technologies in new business models, taking advantage of the transformation of organizations and the possibilities of connectivity offered by Startups, Fintech, Insurtech and Innovation Labs. Some case studies were also analyzed in devices of intake, Smart Health and Chatbots with an eye to the future of the sector, where customer experience and synergies between different agents are becoming increasingly important.Ángel Uzquiza, Director of Innovation at Santalucía, participated in the open innovation panel to talk about innovation processes and their importance for the group's DNA. In a mature and fragmented market such as the insurer, he believes that these companies should be committed to linking innovation and digital transformation with its global strategy.

In addition, he reflected on theThe importance of collaborating with startups not only to accelerate the digital transformation process, but with the objective of adding value to the insurance strategy, deriving greater benefits and moving towards open innovation models. In this sense, the approach to startups and the promotion of Intrapurrecy These are some of the achievements of the Santalucía IMPULSA acceleration program that he himself manages. For his part, Juan Manuel Rueda, General Director of People, Organization and Communication of Santalucía, participated in the panel of experts to talk about the importance of building a customer-centric culture to achieve better results, attract talent and achieve a balance between business units and new technological generations. All of this implies, therefore, a necessary internal reorganization of insurers.David Jimenez, Director of Marketing and Clients of Santalucía, discussed among professionals the keys to building a perfect omnichannel strategy based on closer and more lasting relationships. Other topics of the debate were the integration of the online experience with the branch experience and how new technologies (AI, Machine Learning) can help, in this regard, when renewing policies or publicizing specific offers. This edition also incorporated the Insurance Experience Room, an exclusive space where you can learn about and experience the latest technologies in the insurance sector.

In short, Insurance Revolution held a very complete day in which different experts and professionals met, to learn about all the news, trends and challenges of the future of the insurance industry and with the focus of interest placed on new technologies, the user experience And the innovation.