6 innovative startups that work for well-being in the elderly

In Spain there are more than nine million people with 65 years or older, which represents 19.3% of the population, according to Data from the National Institute of Statistics (FINE). It has long been possible to observe that the population is aging; INE forecasts suggest that, by 2030, the percentage of people over 65 will increase to 25% and in 2050 it will reach 35%. Aging opens up new business opportunities and, startups, as a source of innovation, play a fundamental role in this sector. La technology It has a lot to contribute when it comes to Take care of your health or improve quality of life and, due to all these factors, projects for the benefit of the elderly have been increasing. An example of this would be the creation of robotic helpers or virtual home assistants for the elderly, to compensate for the lack of qualified caregivers who can help patients who live alone and require daily assistance. Mabu from Catalia Health, ElliQ from Intuition Robotics, Dinsow from CT Asia Robotics and Robear from Reiken are examples of virtual home assistants from startups that work for the well-being of our elderly and they use the Artificial Intelligence to achieve their objectives.
1. Catalia Health
Catalia Health has created Mabu, a conversational robot that can not only provide personalized conversations to each patient, but can also obtain hard-to-obtain data about treatment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3XwzlvOW7k
2. Intuition Robotics
ElliQ, from Intuition Robotics, aims to keep older adults active and engaged by connecting them to their families and to the outside world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URcuVfzwB4g
3. Qventus
Qventus has built AI-powered fall detectors, since emergency situations, such as a simple slip and fall, can trigger a series of medical conditions in geriatric patients. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvD6GqG6eok
4. Starkey
Starkey has gone one step further and has integrated AI-powered fall detectors into its hearing aid LivioAI. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cyq12vdaTJI&list=PLkVlnKzEMhTbX_NkT8bBqR1ND8t2v7XR0&index=3
5. Calico
One of the biggest possible impacts of AI is to help researchers understand the aging process and, therefore, to develop methods to delay it. That's what Calico is trying to do by using deep learning to understand the fundamental biology of aging.

6. Insilico Medicine
Insilico Medicine is a drug development company that uses Artificial Intelligence to explore ways to end aging and age-related diseases. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTL4EtuuZGU